follow me on these sites!


mami, mami, aym sikk.

Im supposed to study today, but fever came my way.
Gahd, wala kui ma.answer ugma. Help me Lord.
aww, poor jeyykee is sick. :[[
wats cookin'?




You're all double-crossing, obnoxious, lying, ogre-faced, self-loving, nickel-head, cross-dressing, pieces of holy chocolate macadamia sh*t!
I hope you get that. That means YOU.

this'd sure make you laugh your heart out.

hey there? wanna have a laugh.
ive just seen these videos last week on youtube.
it is a presentation of pooh and pokwang in their spoof show, "Poohkwang"

this, i think, are the funniest parts, you're sure to laugh your heart out in the middle of part 7. i promise.



leave some reactions, and tell me if you've been rolling on the floor laughing or just plainly grinning throughout. HAHA.
see ya, people!


baler is no effect.

phew! just arrived home an hour ago.

I came from SM because I watched Baler of Ms. Curtis and Mr. Rosales. It was a based-from-true-events historical-drama-romance movie. I was just shocked by the opening of the film, it actually contained torrid love scenes of Feliza and Celso. But, it was not to my surprise, it was expected. The film actually ascended over the other historical films because it paid more attention to the unaccepted love story of the two protagonists. It showed war and hatred among Filipinos and Spaniards though, but the highlight was the love of Feliza and Celso, the strong bond which made their love last for a year without physical contact. Only to find out that Celso met his end inside the church where the Spaniards hid from the Filipinos who surrounded and outnumbered them. The tragic end put a very unadmirable twist to the story. I wish they bent the facts a little you know, to make a better story. But, no blames, they produce the movie, not me.

Paid attention to the movie much, rayyt? HAHA.

Well, tomorrow would be a tough day again for me, as usual.
studying for the finals is a must-must for me.


olah friends!

im very sorry for my inactivity, well, actually, ive been busy for, like, forever. And I really can't set aside much time to post a decent, well, post. I've just had time now since I'm waiting for a video to load.

So, what's been happening for the past 6 days?

Ahm, let me start with feb 15. feb 15 was damn boring. I just slept the whole afternoon and studied theories and o.d. crap that I needed to receive a diploma. Night was even a lot boring. I just got to face the computer again, for the manieth time already. I am so much pressured by a lot of work. Dah, I can't even set aside time for myself now. I am so tired yet so motivated because I'd be doing a lot of things, and that a whole lott of them.

I was even busier much by monday, we had to make our physics IP display, our oral defense, a RAY meeting for the vocation jamboree, which I wasn't able to attend, my exposure to assholes in the classroom. I didn't recognize them, but I'm sure there were a lot of them. Feb 16 was a mess.

Feb 17 was even messier. Last period in the morning, we were asked to do a public apology for what we, criminals, did on the teacher's day. But, I felt really accepted, we weren't rejected or anything. Feb 17 was reconciliation day.

Feb 18 is a blurred memory. As well as 19. Im sorry, I didn't really make it a point to remember all the things that happened this past week.

Feb 20 was a fun and exhilarating day. We had an overnight at the USJ-R Main Campus for the OAR-AR Vocation Jamboree. It was boring, really, but well, what'd you expect from a group of crazy teens, we made it fun. I'm just a little bit not over with the longer time we spent kneeling. It ate my whole knee. The party times are coming to an end. The overnight is actually the second to the last we've got. The next one'd be on the 28th, another jamboree, which, this time, would be held at our campus. I'm pretty much excited because there'd be an estimated 5000. How true that is, I don't know, but I'm looking forward to a 'tight' experience. Feb 20 was faith-enriching day.

But Feb 21 was not that good for me. We were up 1t 12 til dawnbreak, in my case, til 1 in the afternoon. Dawn was party time for us because there were a lot of things to do, people to bump, beats to dance to, songs to sing, friends to talk to. It was over-all fun. We were able to go home by 6 in the morning. At 9:30, I had to take an entrance exam. Oh god, I thought I would not be able to. I started sleeping and waking and sleeping in the jeepney I rode in, much more in the testing room where I was on the brink of 7 minutes and I was not able to answer 16 items. I doubt if I was able to pass that. Keeping my fingers crossed. Feb 21 was trembling day.

Pray for me people, I'm totally exhausted. I don't want to go to another school for college. It bothers me a lot, keep in touch, I'll be with you.
BTW, fourth years from Catholic schools over Cebu, please join this year's ACM Vocation Jamboree this Feb 28 - March 1. Pre-register at your respective ministry offices, its 20 bucks. And be sure to arrive at 4 pm at the USJ-R Basak Campus on the 28th. See you there! It'd be fun, i promise.
Been talking much? HAHA. its til here people, keep posted!


stop acting silly.

stop acting silly. just stop. nothing happens, jeyykk.

til here people. Lord's waiting for me.


the hell with friends!

the hell with friends.
one day you laugh together.
another you pretend you don't see each other.
the hell with friends.
some folk was right. they come and go.
but they go more often than they come.
but I don't really care.
tomorrow's one big day.
ex-friends. what the?! is there even such a thing?
ex-friends in four walls? great idea, right?

let me see what happens.
i promise i wont fall for a single joke.

roarrrrrrrrrrr. jeykk is angry. roarrrrrrrrrrrr.
he wanna start a fight.


i have nothing to post really.

please be patient enought 'til I get a load of 'em.
can you do that for me?


waiting for daybreak.

*sigh* its 12:23 and everything's not yet dead. ITS 12:25 AND WERE STILL BREATHING.
happy february 8.

nah. this day was a tough one and we were all around places and we just had the opportunity to stretch and well, sleep, at sunrise village. its nearly 1 and well resume shooting but for the mean time, since I dont sleep [FYI], Im just blogging because I find it hard to sleep. let mee narrate the whole day.

in my post earlier, I already told you Ive been to the choric speech competition since I was assigned emcee, the experience was really thrilling because aside from the doubts I had on our script, the teachers made many last-minute as in very-last-minute corrections and additions to the program. but im glad i portrayed the role of master of ceremony well with few flaws and forgotten lines. among those is my 'now' trademark line among my friends and acquaintances:

but forget that, dont wanna get that back to my head.

lets move on the IDLE part.

went back home.
asked mom's permission.
headed for USJR BC.
then waited for 5 pm to come before we finally decided to leave one member behind so we can start matters.

on to the dusk and twilight part.
we stayed for about 2 hours at a friend's crib in vista grande. we shot a few scenes there for our music video. God, it took them the rain before we were able to start the shoot. its a nice feeling really when you get such a good character and role in a shoot. especially when you're asked to hold the green screen. its such an honor. thanks there guys for offering me the great opportunity. mmmph. anyway, we sat at litangs for our dinner and stayed for some light moments.

the dark night.

we arrived actually at around 8. again, with the usual tantrums and rituals, we first shot at 10 pm.

now, im suffering the cold and eerie breeze and the sound of clicking keys and the awkward and low noise of the piano in the background.

its a great day ahead of us and i think i have to have a recharge before daybreak.

thanks anyways and keep it alive!


not at the very peak now.

all hail REYES' GROUP in CHORIC SPEECH. congratulations!

they won actually at this morning's event. the audience was like in oohmphs and aahhs and loud cheers at the awarding ceremony. they were all winners though. not to mention each leader's strife in making their respective groups as presentable and adorable they can be.

well, last place's not bad, 'ayt? no regrets though because our group did the best we can do. there's no point really in winning if you don't deserve it. at the very least, we did all that we knew in our means to make the presentation excellent. so congrats to us, too. [if there were special awards, we should have bagged the BEST IN PROPS AND COSTUMES]

the other groups were amazing, too. the event was graced by two administrators, our principal and the former BCD. they were there to witness the wits and words of the speech choir contestants.

we all deserve to be recognized. [uhm-uhm]. especially those who have made their part in the program. i for one [uhm-uhm] and my partner were the masters of the ceremony. there were some funny parts in the program too you know but we carried it out without flaw.

btw, our group will have an overnight shooting today and its really painful to say ill probably not be around in 17 hours. thats sad isnt it? HAHA.

its up to here now. ill be back this evening hopefully.
see ya jeyksters!

pressure's at its peak now and i am very not. PHYSICS I.P., ENGLISH O.D., COMPUTER VID. PROD., MATH EXP., and a whole lot more. i just hope id still breathe after these activities. help me GOD.


im aching all over.

hello blogger! its time for yet another time to chit-chat and be updated about JEYYKK's recent updatess.

whole morning excused and i was doing lots and lots of prop-making works. and ive been so upset with the teachers' demands.

my back aches a lot. not to mention my shoulders. painkiller kill me. xD.

its a big day tomorrow.
see ya!


nah. nothing special today.

hola amigos. evening again and its me trying to kill time yet, again.

there was nothing really special today. but i have to mention a few things:

•oh, i so sucked at accounting.i was like in the middle of t.accounts but ended up face flat on the working table because I just chose, to well, give up. i'm not gifted at this, y'know. well, past's past.

•i so cherish mam ****'s downfall a while ago at class. she was so damn HILAW. thats what you get when you dont trust students and their ideas. HAHA. lets just see your answers tomorrow, maam.

•stress was choric speech's gift to me. and im afraid i have to look disdainfully at that. good thing im not a speaker. if i was, i'd hang myself. [exagg].

I INVITE ALL JOSENIANS TO WATCH THIS YEAR'S CHORIC SPEECH COMPETITION at 8:30 AM at the Basak Campus Auditorium. see you there!
i guess, thats all for today. see you tomorrow!


busy busy months ahead of us.

there are busy busy busy busy busy days and weeks and months ahead of us.


14 Teacher's Day
20 Oral Defense
20-21 (PM-AM) OAR-AR Jamboree @ USJ-R Main
25-27 FINALS
27-28 (PM-AM) ACM Vocation Jamboree



CAT Graduation
24 Senior's Ball
27 Baccalaureate Mass
28 GRADUATION DAYY. gonna walk in the aisle nowww.

tough dayy.

tough tough day
. t'was boring and quite mind-boggling too.

lemme tell you a bit of whats happened today, february 4.
we had a college courses galore at the usjr main campus that was meant to benefit us through the different resource speakers. we had one for every department in college at the same school. they had a bit of edge-identifying-over-other-departments and advertising-to-increase-enrollment-by-next-year and a huge part on just letting us slouch and yawn and sleep over things that technically, we, seniors do know. (peace out!). i was kinda bored because they were like stabbing each other at the front bragging that they are this and that and the other is not. with weird antics like untimely and extremely corny jokes, grunts and dead air and just empty bluffing. im not DOWNING* them though, but I am just a frank blogger and I really think the above applies to me, personally.

i dont know if i just missed the good parts of their speeches but nevertheless I didnt miss the quite you-know ones.

it helped me about something though. Dr. Gregg Gabison, the Dean of the College of Information Communications and Computer Technology helped me decide on the best course that'd fit me. instead of computer engineering, im actually thinking about info. tech. aside from the huge and wide range of job landings, it is quite my field of interest since i just learned that comp. eng. involves a lot of creating, embedding, designing, just a few things im not quite gifted at. so, im thinking now of maybe switching [degree programs]** for college. but the college courses galore was surely an exceptional experience.

oh, i so loved the campus tour. xD. someone called us dogs and cats. i really thought we were more of uhm, say, rats.
see ya!


im still breathing. yeah.

Im still kicking yeah.
yeah kicking yeahhh.

wateva u stnkng losa.

i think im a freakk.
a badd freakk.